lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

That is the cardboard?

Cardboard is a material made up of several superimposed layers of paper, based on virgin fiber or recycled paper. The cardboard is thicker, harder and stronger than paper.Some types of cardboard are used to make packaging and containers, basically boxes of various kinds.


A common in any household waste in large amounts is cardboard. Most products come in boxes that are easily usable or recyclable, representing a great benefit to the environment.

Each ton of recycled cardboard represents a saving of two cubic meters of landfill, 140 liters of oil, 50,000 gallons of water and emission of 900 kilos of carbon dioxide.

Carton manufacturers are paying attention to issues related to health, environment and legislation on disposable packaging. For this reason, seek to develop renewable resources throughout the material demanded. In many countries it is mandatory that the board is prepared totally or partially from recycled materials.

Take the cardboard

Large and heavy boxes can be lined and used to place children's toys, they also can customize cartapesta painting them or making recycled paper, so have a fun activity to do together.

When a box is still usable is important for reuse without giving us a new box in place to buy.

Recycling cardboard

When we are pieces of cardboard, broken boxes, wrappings, etc ... is indicated accumulate and then take it to a collection site for paper and cardboard into disuse, a process which made recycled and new materials of cardboard.

Steps of recycling:

• Stage 1: Collection and processing
• Stage 2: production and processing

• Step 3: Purchase of recycled products

6 comentarios:

  1. Benefits of recycling:
    • Recycling reduces the need for landfills and incineration.
    • Recycling prevents pollution caused by manufacturing products from virgin materials.
    • Recycling saves energy.
    • Recycling reduces emissions of greenhouse gases to global climate change contribuiyen.
    • Recycling helps preserve the environment for future generations.
    • Recycling conserves natural sources such as water, timber or minerals.

  2. The production of recycled paper seems, in comparison, more respectful of the environment, even if not environmentally neutral. First, it is more efficient because a ton of paper or cardboard recovered 900 kilos are made of recycled paper. It is also consumes 90% less water and 50% less electricity. Operations such as the inking of old magazines or make final laundering involving various chemicals, but in smaller quantities than in the production of paper from wood pulp.

    The first stage of this cycle of transformation is, of course, recovery of paper and paperboard used. They can be newspapers, magazines, leaflets, cartons residues as well as printers, etc.
    these raw materials are placed in a machine that moves in a soapy water to separate the cellulose fibers of waste products that can be found. Debugging separates, then the fibers of elements of the type of glue or staples.
    The paper may be four or five successive recycling.

  3. Where to recycle
    The home is the perfect place to start to recycle, since Almost 90% of household waste is recyclable, so it is important that we separate trash in our house and deposited in suitable containers. There are containers for paper, organic materials, glass, brass, aluminum cans, tin cans, etc..

    Significantly reducing the amount of waste that occurs in the home, facilitating the collection of this. Since an average person produces 2.5 pounds of trash diarimente.

  4. THINGS THAT ARE recyclable

    The amount of recyclable waste is enormous, generally associate with the paper recycling and aluminum, but the amount of products that can be recycled thanks to modern technology is increasingly larger.

    It is also true that there are non-recyclable products that when discarded seriously damage the environment and generate large costs to governments for the creation of landfills or other deposits. it is due to be aware and prefer products with the seal of recyclable.

    There are countless consumer items that are packaged with paper or cardboard, so that these materials represent 20% of the weight and one third of the volume of the garbage bag. In addition, sobreempaquetados lead to many unnecessary packaging made from these and other materials.
    Although they are easy to recycle, and indeed are recycled in large part the increasing demand for paper and board manufacturing requires more and more paper pulp, leading to the felling of millions of trees, plantations of fast growing species like eucalyptus or pine, to the detriment of native forests, and high pollution associated with the paper industry.
    Furthermore, not all paper can be recycled, the plastic coated, adhesives, wax, or fax the carbonless not suitable for recycling.

  6. Cardboard Boxes

    The packaging of a product provides security and protection is also the letter of your product to the public.

    Cardboard boxes are the best packaging for any type of product as it protects the contents, as well as promotes and attracts consumers to your product through packaging design.

    The cardboard is one of the oldest packaging materials, practical and cheap and malleable that you can accommodate and design can fit their needs.
